Welcome and Blessings
After 36 years of full time flute making and over 6000 flutes I have decided to reach out to a larger audience with my craft. My life has been a quest for enlightenment, with flute making art as a medium. The stones and kalimbas came later as new ways to reach the oneness within and share that with others.
My work has always been about self realization. As I find new methods to reach the stillness within, I get excited about offering that experience to others. I hope that my work may offer you a path to inner peace in that same place where we feel our connection to each other and the world.

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Portland Saturday Market
To see my work in person, visit me at the world famous Portland Saturday Market, where I have a space every weekend from March through December.

Me, more or less
I was born in 1949 in a small town in Illinois. After school, the Air Force, and some college I began a quest for Spiritual enlightenment which led me to be a celibate monk, student of the Vedas, and eventually a married priest for most of the 1970’s. With the birth of my first child in 1979 I left temple life for employment to support my family. I ended up owning a custom picture frame shop in Tulsa Oklahoma which served many Native American artist. In 1987 I was led to my life’s work when I discovered the Native American flute and my teacher Mr. Woodrow Wotoko Haney. Shortly after I began making flutes I sold my frame shop and moved to Portland Or. to start my new work. From then until now I have made flutes full time, and selling them at the Portland Saturday Market, creating over 6000 flutes. Not long ago I accepted Jeannie Hart as my apprentice. She likes to call me her flute master. Even though it is true that I have gained enough experience that I feel confident teaching the art of flute making and consider it my spiritual practice, I still think of myself as simply a servant of Love.
Randy Whitman